Friday, August 19, 2005

Just another Day

I opened this blog this morning to find a few comments from the people out there looking. But I also found SPAM. Advertisements for car loans and Rainbow vacuum cleaners ( wouldn't buy another one anyway, worst $2000 I ever spent. Piece of crap.)and other shit. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate that people are looking at it and taking the time to read it and leave a comment. There are a couple of comments that have links in them, which I have no problem with, because the people putting them in there made a comment to the blog.
Just for every ones info out there. Come in, read it, comment on it if you like, but don't REPEAT DON'T just spam the Scuttlebutt. I WILL without any heartburn or hesitation delete it into cyber trash. I won't trash your comments, good or bad. That's what this is here for. Individual opinions. I have mine, you have yours. I respect that.

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