Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Bad JB..

Here it is, half way through January and I haven't updated since last year....
Bad Bad JB.....
Just lazy I guess. New Years is like going to work after vacation..
Just can't get into it.
But I usually do get to it sooner or later...
Well that time is now.
Back to ranting about life.....
Did anyone notice how many morons are in the news lately?
The 3 punks in South Florida. Beating up homeless people.. Damn we are big guys now....
They will be big in prison.....
Mayor of New Orleans.... CHOCOLATE New Orleans!!!! Be real people..How racist can you get.
Why are we spending $500 million dollars to send a probe to Pluto? Who cares......We can't live there so why bother.....Will it tell us ANYTHING??
Why are we worried about a lawyer in Georgia? Hostage? ( I just love lawyers, can' t you tell)
Was anyone sorry to see Indy loose Sunday? I wasn't...Tired of hearing how good Payton is.
He is probably going to be another Dan Marino...Lots of good playing but no ring....
The ACLU. Does anyone REALLY care what they are doing?
Did anyone notice Al Gore in the news again? I really didn't either.......
Who really cares about the Golden Globes, awards etc? Do you like the movie or show you watched? Who really cares to listen to 3 hours of people praising themselves. Want my attention? Praise someone who deserves it... or do something worth deserving the praise.
How can we call a 2 year old for jury duty? Sounds to me like another stupid ass behind the computer. Must have a law degree......
What's the big deal with executing a 76 year old? He did the crime..Now he has done the time..
So he was old...
$500,000 grant to produce a machine to take the smell out of hog manure....what a waste of money. It's shit people, it's supposed to stink......
Until later folks........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess they heard you....the Pluto mission has been "postponed"!