Thursday, May 18, 2006


Did you know that when an illegal gets citizenship, they can apply to have their illegal earnings applied to their social security? So today the senate voted DOWN an amendment for the immigration bill that would prevent that! Social Security is going broke, I will probably never see a fucking dime I have paid in but a bunch of fucking illegal aliens probably will and they haven't even paid into it. Bunch of fucking pussies!

Oh, and here's some news know that the mexican govt has demanded, DE-fucking-MANDED that our govt guarantee them that the national guard will perform NO border duties, and in fact will do nothing to threaten migrant rights, and OUR GOVT ASSURED THEM THEY WOULD NOT!!!! How can a FORIEGN GOVERNMENT Threaten to SUE the US if we protect our own borders?
Have those idiots up there lost what little minds they have left? I think it's about time to take over Mexico, because they damn sure are trying to take us over and if they succeed this place will be just as big a dumb is they are now.
Plus, lets add insult to injury here. These stupid fuckers in NC need to be linched. How can a town put up with this kind of stupid shit.
And this stupid fucking yankee must have no brains at all. Obviously has no military experience.
It's damn sure time for the REAL AMERICANS to stand up and fight for what is ours, THIS COUNTRY!!!!

1 comment:

The Chief said...

Just when I think I can't be stunned by stupidity anymore, I am. We should have kept Mexico the last time kicked their ass. Everyone would be better off.