Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Truth be told Bush Can't afford to face Ms Sheehan

In response to the article by Trudy Rubin of the Philly Tribune. First a few facts. President Bush has already met with Mrs. Sheehan and the other mothers with her. She is not the only person in this country that would like to see our troops come home. Pres. Bush has answered her questions on numerous occasions publicly for all of us to the best of his ability with security in mind. There are just some things that he nor anyone in DC can publicly answer because it's classified information that could lead to the deaths of so many more of our troops. By Ms. Rubin's translation into "BUSH-ESE", we can only assume that she knows what the President is thinking and that these answers are just mis-information.

What she doesn't see is what happens behind the scenes which is not for public view. President Bush meets with every family of a service member killed or injured and he is not the only one who has done this. President Clinton did the same as did many others before them.
What's more is that President Bush is not the only one responsible for our presence in Iraq. Do we all forget that the President cannot except in a time of emergency take this country to war. It takes the ENTIRE Congress, Senate and House votes to take this country to war, which I must remind you they did with a vote of 77-23 in the Senate and 296-133 in the House. So maybe we should give some of our elected representatives the responsibility also.

Did the parents of the crew members of the USS COLE who were lost or injured parade around the White House after the ship was bombed. No they didn't. Instead they stood on the pier with the rest of the crew and held their heads high with the satisfaction that their sons and daughters made the sacrifice that our fore fathers did. I know this for a fact. I was there. I stood in the same room with these families in their hours of sorrow, provided a shoulder to cry on, and watched as a President, the leader of the entire free world became just another human being like all of us, as he talked to every family of the lost and injured. It humbled me to the fact that our Presidents, living up there in that grand house are really just people too.

I think that we all need to remember 9-11. We as a country were attacked for the first time in over 100 years on our home ground. Thousands lost their lives, needlessly, men, women and children, mostly civilians. Had President Bush not done some of things he has done, there is that great possibility that some of our own cities would look like Baghdad with thousands more dead. Then everyone would be screaming that we should have done something to prevent this.

Mrs. Sheehan has a right to be upset. She has lost her son. It was not President Bush's fault alone. Mrs. Sheehan should look in the mirror. She carries part of the blame. She raised her son. Did she send him to college? Did she prepare him for a life after he grew up and became an adult? Did she not teach him to honor our flag, our country, our FREEDOM? He wasn't forced into the military, because there is no draft. He VOLUTEERED to join, just like every other service member that have died in this conflict. Mrs. Sheehan, a message to you from a former member of our country\'s military. Go home, mourn your son. Do something to make his loss worth something that will be remembered.


Dave said...

You missed the point. The reason Bush can't face Sheehan and answer her question about why her son died is because he doesn't have an answer that wouldn't get him impeached. From 9/11/01 through the start of the war in 2003, Bush and company ranted and ranted about WMD, all the while knowing there weren't any. The point here is Bush lied, and you're avoiding as much as he is. The truth is this administration was planning to invade Iraq even before it took office.

The reason we're in Iraq is to secure its oil reserves, the second largest on the planet, and the ones making money hand over fist are Bush's friends.

The only reason the Congress voted to approve the use of force was because they were lied to; you were lied to. Wake up.

Dave said...

And regarding remembering 9/11:

Most of the bombers were Saudi Arabians backed by Saudi oil money. How come we're not invading them?