Monday, August 22, 2005

Day of all days.

What a day this has been.
Had a great weekend with my sons. Went on the search for cleats for my oldest son. 9 stores later finally found some. Went and saw some old friends and then to see my grand daughters.
Sunday was even better. We went to the beach, watched the high speed boat races and played in the gulf. Until it rained. Went home and watched the race.
Dale jr. did good. Could have done better had they fueled about 20 laps earlier but still did good. 3 weeks until the chase. Hope he can make it.
Today was just a day. 98 degrees here in Panama City Beach. Humid as hell and thunderstorms this afternooon and evening.
Got an email from Mark up in VA Beach. My letter and comments about Cindy Sheehan was published as an article in the Virginian Pilot in the Sunday Commentary Section on page 2. obviously made an impact with the editors. Will keep you posted on what comments are made about it.
Then the rest of the day started.
Wife wiped out the lawn mower up in VA Beach, Pretty close to 100 up there with all the factors invovlved.
Plus then the really bad news. Her car, a special edition 99 Mustang GT may have a bad air intake on it which fails and leaks coolant into the engine. Thankfully FORD will pay for that one.
The icing on the cake came later. Death in the family.
So as you can tell life in the harbor is sucking.
Todays news wasn't as bad. Although they still haven't found out why the 49ers player collapsed and died. 23 years old doing what he wanted in life. Cut short. My condolances to the family.
The Jag's on the other hand are doing great so far. 2-0 in the preseason and playing well. Went to the first game as Alltel Stadium and watched. Trust me when I say I well WE will be there for more games this year. It's so much better in person.
Tomorrow will be a better day.

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