Thursday, August 25, 2005

More Rants.

Well the Gods of BRAC have spoken. NAS Oceana has a reprieve. For 6 months or until the population surrounding Oceana revolt and lynch the mayor, O' Meyera of short rotundness, the city council and the State of Virginia. They were told to fix the encroachment around the base and they have six months to do it OR the Master jet base fly's to Florida. Well as the Virginian Pilot reported this morning, with 1800+ homes, plus businesses in the zones indicated, valued at over $285,000,000 accessed value, not market value, which in that area is much higher, the city will have to condemn all of these areas, paying much less for the properties than their value. Glad I sold my house up there. Now I wish I was an attorney, because there are some up there that are going to make millions off this. As the commissioner on BRAC said to mayor rotundness yesterday, your about 20 years too late doing what you should have done.
Speaking of attorneys, do you know what 1000 lawyers on the bottom of the sea is?  A good start.......... I hate attorneys. Ruthless, ignorant, waste of human flesh. What a waste of air...
Cindy Sheehan is back in the news. Dumb bitch is going back to Texas to be a further pain in our ass. She obviously didn't get my message......   GO THE FUCK HOME BITCH AND MAKE A PIE OR SOMETHING. SHUT UP FOR CHRISTS SAKES!!!!    Would someone please pass the message on....Go here to see some other comments from other parents of service members.
Florida State has won it's battle with the NCAA. GO SEMINOLES!!! Rich white men with nothing better to do than make decisions about being politically correct. Glad they don't control this rant. I'm about as politically correct as a cannibal in sorority house .
Another hurricane hitting Florida again this weekend. Through the lower half and right back into the panhandle again. WTFO? Can't we direct these damn things into...Virginia or maybe Cuba and Mexico....all those we could lose and nobody would really care, well at least I wouldn't...
 Steroids and sports. What? Did anyone really think that they weren't being used somewhere? Now the French are accusing Lance Armstrong of steroid use. Hey wait a minute. Did anybody think about the fact that he had fucking cancer and doctors sometime prescribe them to their patients. Sore losers. Can't stand being beaten at the own game on home turf  7 times in a row by one of us silly Americans.
Speaking of doctors. Did you hear about the one in New York that is getting sued and taken before the AMA for calling one of his patients obese. Well damn if the bitch is fat tell her she's fat. It's the truth. Don't lie about and tell her "oh,its just a few extra pounds", tell her. Your FAT! Loose weight!
What is a group of people that are supposed to be able to help you with a problem called?  A computer help desk.
Confusion is always the most honest response!

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