Thursday, November 10, 2005

*Veterans Day*!

The day to salute our members of the United States Armed Forces

Both Past and Present.

A day to remember those who have given a part of themselves

to the country that they love.

To the Freedoms we so enjoy.

I am a veteran too.

I served my country for over 2 decades.

Proudly Served!

Many of my friends served with me.

Mark from Chesapeake,

Steve and Eric in Charleston,

AJ and Bret who are still serving,

Ed and Tim in Virginia Beach,

Candy, my sister

John, my father

My Grandfather, Van

and so many others

it would take pages to list them all.

We all proudly wore the uniform.

We did what we had to do.

To keep this country and her people free.

Many have died doing what we did and

today they are looking down on us and smiling.

Proud to have given what was most precious,

their lives, for they are the real heroes.

From the sands of Iwo Jime, the shores of Anzio,

Kuwait, Iraq, France, Germany, Grenada, Pearl Harbor

to New York, Washington

Our soldiers and sailors carry the flag.

Today we stand a little taller, a little prouder!

Because today is OUR Day!

If you see a veteran today,

shake his or her hand

and tell them thank you.

To all the Vet's that see this,


For I salute you and the service

you so proudly provided!

I am proud to have served with you!

1 comment:

~*~*~*~*~ said...

Hello! Just doing a little Veterans Day blog driving to see who's talking...

Thanks for posting and thanks for serving!