Giving to those who need help is a good thing
being humble is better than bragging
music, art, and literature are the best ways to express your feelings
governments do mean things to people
men act like they care when they don't
the only person who will help you is yourself
people that look strange generally are pretty normal
people who have money generally aren't smart
men are scared of hugging when something bad happens
weird, unexplainable stuff happens to people all the time
people make up a lot of stuff that isn't true
a special place in hell is reserved for fundamentalists
the devil is actually not a real person
animals have intelligence
a lot of people die who take good care of themselves
a lot of people live who take bad care of themselves
drinking alcohol makes you feel good, but not always
being paranoid does not mean that you are delusional
saying you're going to do something, or writing it down dosn't help you achieve it
you can't help people who are depressed, they can only help themselves
belief in a supernatural force has more to do with ones own experiences rather than anything
written in any book
everyone has "weird" dreams
a lot of people do stuff they don't want to
a lot of your beliefs are made up rationalisations you have created in order to continue on with your life in a way that is easier for you
people can love each other without speaking
women do tend to actually like flowers
a lot of people want to leave where they are living
music that is more aggressive is more true
most people don't agree with each other
if you are weak, you will be made fun of
most nerds don't end up being bill gates
breaking stuff feels good
fixing stuff feels good
work is not a necessary part of your personal psychology
the world is cruel, and dosn't care if you die
Nature has no regard if you are good or bad, rich or poor, young or old, she'll kill you anyway
watching tv makes you forget what time it is
being nice to animals is a good thing
the world is run by a handful of elites that do not have your best interests anywhere near their frame of thought
people who believe in religions generally aren't that bad
I don't know what the fuck I m talking about
you don't know what the fuck you re talking about
your dialogues in your head were placed there by forces outside of your control
people who think too much generally don't have as much fun
people who have too much fun generally don't think enough
a lot of people are lonely even though they are always around people
art is a silent connection that can transcend speech and language
everyone wants to fuck each other, even if they are in a relationship
a lot of people have weird fetishes they never talk about in public
men don't care about emotional connections as much as women
men tend to overblow situations because of their own insecurities
cavemen didn't ride or kill dinosaurs
a lot of information is being withheld from the public
aliens probably do exist, but are "really" far away
space is cold
objects that represent someone's pursuit for truth are generally pretty cool
not everything on tv is a lie, that's the scary part
people generally don't like a lot of things about themselves
people who work harder than you generally achieve the things that you want to
professional wrestling isn't totally fake, it's just really gay because its like a male ballet performance
children have a better ability to feel than most adults
a lot of famous people will be nobodies soon
I tend to agree more with people who have used drugs
people who eat meat have generally never killed an animal or seen it slaughtered
people who eat only vegetables are generally kind of annoying
people who are overachievers generally don't know what they are trying to achieve
fast cars are more fun to drive than slow cars
people romanticize their childhoods
people romanticize their futures
everyone thinks moving somewhere will solve their problems
being humble is better than bragging
music, art, and literature are the best ways to express your feelings
governments do mean things to people
men act like they care when they don't
the only person who will help you is yourself
people that look strange generally are pretty normal
people who have money generally aren't smart
men are scared of hugging when something bad happens
weird, unexplainable stuff happens to people all the time
people make up a lot of stuff that isn't true
a special place in hell is reserved for fundamentalists
the devil is actually not a real person
animals have intelligence
a lot of people die who take good care of themselves
a lot of people live who take bad care of themselves
drinking alcohol makes you feel good, but not always
being paranoid does not mean that you are delusional
saying you're going to do something, or writing it down dosn't help you achieve it
you can't help people who are depressed, they can only help themselves
belief in a supernatural force has more to do with ones own experiences rather than anything
written in any book
everyone has "weird" dreams
a lot of people do stuff they don't want to
a lot of your beliefs are made up rationalisations you have created in order to continue on with your life in a way that is easier for you
people can love each other without speaking
women do tend to actually like flowers
a lot of people want to leave where they are living
music that is more aggressive is more true
most people don't agree with each other
if you are weak, you will be made fun of
most nerds don't end up being bill gates
breaking stuff feels good
fixing stuff feels good
work is not a necessary part of your personal psychology
the world is cruel, and dosn't care if you die
Nature has no regard if you are good or bad, rich or poor, young or old, she'll kill you anyway
watching tv makes you forget what time it is
being nice to animals is a good thing
the world is run by a handful of elites that do not have your best interests anywhere near their frame of thought
people who believe in religions generally aren't that bad
I don't know what the fuck I m talking about
you don't know what the fuck you re talking about
your dialogues in your head were placed there by forces outside of your control
people who think too much generally don't have as much fun
people who have too much fun generally don't think enough
a lot of people are lonely even though they are always around people
art is a silent connection that can transcend speech and language
everyone wants to fuck each other, even if they are in a relationship
a lot of people have weird fetishes they never talk about in public
men don't care about emotional connections as much as women
men tend to overblow situations because of their own insecurities
cavemen didn't ride or kill dinosaurs
a lot of information is being withheld from the public
aliens probably do exist, but are "really" far away
space is cold
objects that represent someone's pursuit for truth are generally pretty cool
not everything on tv is a lie, that's the scary part
people generally don't like a lot of things about themselves
people who work harder than you generally achieve the things that you want to
professional wrestling isn't totally fake, it's just really gay because its like a male ballet performance
children have a better ability to feel than most adults
a lot of famous people will be nobodies soon
I tend to agree more with people who have used drugs
people who eat meat have generally never killed an animal or seen it slaughtered
people who eat only vegetables are generally kind of annoying
people who are overachievers generally don't know what they are trying to achieve
fast cars are more fun to drive than slow cars
people romanticize their childhoods
people romanticize their futures
everyone thinks moving somewhere will solve their problems
people who use big words you don't know have obviously read a dictionary
It is hard to generalize an entire country into any stereotype
A lot of people think the world is coming to an end soon
It is hard to generalize an entire country into any stereotype
A lot of people think the world is coming to an end soon
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