Tuesday, March 21, 2006

What is going on?

So here is the question of the day.
IF according to the article below, crude oil prices are going down,
Why are gas prices going UP!?!
Here's my thoughts on it. Gas prices are going up because spring is here. Spring break has sprung all around the country. People are planning on going on vacation and the oil companies know it. So why not gouge us some more. Crude prices haven't gone up in a month yet gas prices have gone up almost 30 cents or more at the pumps here and pretty much across the south. I guess EXXON and the rest of them are trying to out due their profits from last year. Although we haven't really heard what the other companies posted for profits last year, EXXON post 34 BILLION in PURE PROFIT last year.
Now you figure out why gas prices are $2.60 a gallon (Regular).

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