In the news today.
1200 Yard tunnel into US from Mexico found.
Well not only was the tunnel found, so was 2 TONS of Marijuana inside. Obviously this is a problem. And it's been there for a while. According to the story, it has lighting, vents even pumps to pump out water that gets in.
Hey but that's not all! This is one of 15 that have been found since 9/11. Follow the link to see the story.
Think that's bad, The following story was mentioned to me and had to comment. It's Not just in California. Texas has the Mexican Military bringing the crap across, along with the illegals, and getting into Gun fights with the cops and Border Patrol. But you didn't hear that one on the National News. Because it is getting covered up.
It is getting so bad that a Mexican Government Agency was going to give out MAPS of the border, with the best places to get into the US UNDETECTED.
Gun fights, drugs, illegal immigrants. Why don't we just annex the damn place and get it over with. It would be cheaper than this shit.
Plus if they are coming in with guns now, why can 't we just shoot 'em?
Oh I forgot.. We can't do something like that. We would be breaking someones Civil Liberties and the ACLU would sue us. Or we would get arrested for shooting someone with that good ol' shotgun the granddaddy gave you.....
What ever happened to the 2h Amendment? You know the one that says we have the RIGHT to bear arms in the protection of our country and it's borders!!
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
"To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them." (Richard Henry Lee, Virginia delegate to the Continental Congress, initiator of the Declaration of Independence, and member of the first Senate, which passed the Bill of Rights.)
"The great object is that every man be armed . . . Everyone who is able may have a gun." (Patrick Henry, in the Virginia Convention on the ratification of the Constitution.)
"The advantage of being armed . . . the Americans possess over the people of all other nations . . . Notwithstanding the military establishments in the several Kingdoms of Europe, which are carried as far as the public resources will bear, the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms." (James Madison, author of the Bill of Rights, in his Federalist Paper No. 46.)
I think that we have to remember what it's like to protect ourselves and our borders. Maybe if our law enforcement officers weren't so damn scared of prosecution for using there weapons and the states weren't so tight assed about it, maybe just maybe there would be allot of things that would not be happening.
Just my opinion.......
1 comment:
Or maybe just built a big ass wall, like the one they used to have in Berlin; or like the one Israel is building...
Wait, walls only keep people in, rather just prevent someone from the outside to get in...
What a dilemma.
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